Embroidered suits are delicate and require special care to preserve their beauty and longevity. Here are some washing instructions to ensure your outfit remains in excellent condition:

  1. Separate the Pieces:Before washing, separate the shirt (kurta), dupatta, and trousers. This prevents any color bleeding or potential damage caused by friction between the pieces.
  2. Hand Wash or Gentle Cycle: For most embroidered suits, it’s recommended to hand wash them gently in cold water. If you prefer to use a washing machine, select the delicate or gentle cycle with cold water.
  3. Use Mild Detergent:Choose a mild, gentle detergent that is suitable for delicate fabrics. Avoid harsh chemicals or bleach, as they can damage the embroidery and fabric.
  4. Turn the Outfit Inside Out: Turn the shirt and trousers inside out before washing. This helps protect the delicate embroidery from direct contact with the washing machine or your hands.
  5. Use a Laundry Bag:Consider using a mesh laundry bag for extra protection during machine washing. Place the outfit pieces inside the bag before putting them in the machine.
  6. Avoid Agitation:Minimize agitation during washing, as it can cause embroidery to unravel or become damaged. Gently swish the outfit in the water without rubbing or scrubbing.
  7. Rinse Thoroughly:Ensure that you rinse the outfit thoroughly to remove all detergent residue, which can weaken the fabric over time.
  8. Dry Carefully: Lay the embroidered pieces flat on a clean, dry towel to remove excess water. Avoid wringing or twisting the fabric, as this can distort the embroidery.
  9. Avoid Direct Sunlight: – When drying, keep the embroidered pieces away from direct sunlight, as it can fade the colors and weaken the fabric.
  10. Ironing:– Use a low-heat setting on your iron and place a clean, dry cloth or a pressing cloth over the embroidery before ironing. This protects the delicate threads.

By following these washing instructions, you can help maintain the beauty and quality of your embroidered suits with dupatta and trousers for years to come. Always remember to refer to the care label for any specific recommendations for your outfit.